Sunday, January 09, 2005


I say the following with the goal of fostering liberty and with the promotion of freedom, regardless of if those in opposition perish by getting in my way.

Liberalism is the manifestation of fallistic thinking and the mental breakdown when displaying judgment. It is not up for debate whether Liberalism is a form of evil or simply an impairment of one’s mental faculty. I know it is the former. If the following seems rather abrasive or demeaning to Liberals in general, well, I don’t apologize because I wish them harm. I aim this verbal .50 calliber at you, common Liberal.

I will make this as simple as I can for you subhuman Liberals to make sense of why you should be put to death or at least physically punished. Liberals are the dregs of society because they seek to ruin society as the constitutional framers had set it up. The framers created a masterpiece in which civilians could seek all the liberty that they could handle. They created a government like no other; they took great pains to separate powers of branches so that no part of government could grow too large and tyrannize the people. They wanted the people’s freedom to be the priority. This freedom is a liberal’s arch enemy. Bit by bit, tax by tax, law by law, Liberals try to take your freedoms away. Liberalism in itself is WRONG. Don’t believe me? Fucking take a look at this then, hippy.

Let’s take some fundamental Liberal ideals and analyze how twisted and destructive they are. Name one. Welfare? Gay marriage? Taxation? Abortion?Large government? They are all outfuckingstanding ideas. How about welfare? How dare a liberal take money from me that I worked for, and decide how much and when to give it to someone I have not even met. That is stealing from me, and stealing is WRONG. Who are you to decide what is best for my paycheck? And who receives my monies? Someone who either doesn’t work or doesn’t work enough to be self sufficient. I don’t care that you have three kids and cannot find affordable daycare. I don’t owe you any of my money. You shouldn’t have had three kids, or you should have made better choices when finding someone to have kids with. Are you working 40 hours and barely making enough to survive? Need some of my paycheck for foodstamps? Fuck you, get a second job. Being a lazy douchebag is WRONG. Don’t punish me just because I work harder than you.

Gay marriage. Liberals are such fucking maggots. Marriage already has had a consistent definition for several millennia, you self-centered deviants. You are going to reinvent the wheel to your immoral liking? Look, gay people can’t even procreate a family. Do you need any other physical proof that this issue is a non-issue? If my state of Maine allows gays to marry in the future, I will shoot myself in the fucking face. Gay marriage is WRONG. Taxation? Again, that’s my money you greedy liberal thieves. Cut back on spending money on non essentials, like welfare and 4th grade sex education programs, you bitches. Rush once said that ‘no nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity’. He’s right, and again it shows that Liberals are WRONG and/or piles of shit.

Abortion. What a convenient form of birth control. Using abortion instead of abstinence or protection is WRONG.

The larger the government, the smaller your personal freedom. It doesn’t takea genius to understand this. Not having freedom is WRONG.

Finally I’d like to mention that Liberals thrive on bitching. Take NAACP. These fucking douches need racial tensions to exist! Think of it! They make their revenue on the very problems that they are supposed to be fixing. I’ve said it before, the NAACP is like some gigantic ogre that nourishes itself by eating its own piss and shit. Being hypocritical is WRONG.

In conclusion, Liberals are self-serving whiners that have no souls, and they are WRONG.



At 2:37 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

Yeah buddy, that's socialism. I don't want to live in the Soviet Union.


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