Sunday, January 30, 2005

I'm Declaring War

You all know how I like to shy away from exposing liberal morons for who they are, right? Well in this instance, I can't resist. I have happened on to a site run by such arrogant, ignorant, one-sided, hateful, and unintelligent subhumans, that it has made me quake with rage. I'm telling you, these guys are even more retarded than I am. Ladies and gentleman, I give you Young Liberals.

These douchbags are led by Headdouchebag Chris Bilal, a condesending, ugly, militant, typical angry black adolescent.

Action shot: That's the expression one uses when they are about to be verbally sodomized.

And here he is. I know, it's cruel to post ugly people's pictures unexpectedly like that, but try to keep your vomit contained. This putzy desk clerk from a law firm has no idea what he's in for. I try to provoke a debate out of him, and I get typical liberal cowardice in return. He runs his site like a third world socialist. He removes comments by readers who make the slightest implication that he is a monkey. He tells me he is going to ignore me whenever I address him. For a supposed free thinker, he doesn't want his readers to think freely. He spews liberal propaganda and poorly typed borish rhetoric and expects people to treat it as the word of God. Don't worry, after our my war gets going, we'll find him in a spider hole with poop in his pants, well, because that's what fearful dictators do.

There's a morbidly obese teenager with an enormous head from the site, named Samantha. Now Samantha has something in her favor, she at least tried to debate me privatly about a month ago. Her argument was nothing a fourth grader couldn't handle, but at least she gave it a shot. She urged me not to print it, but fuck her and her gargantuan body. She wanted to screw around with the abortion debate. Here it is in part:

I put the turning points of the argument in bold in case you just want to skim it.
(Samantha is Solace3225)

solace3225: okay, what about this
solace3225: regarding abortion
solace3225: what about female soldiers who are raped by male soldiers, should they be allowed to have an abortion and have their rights respected
evilnursemask: Yes.
evilnursemask: But as a contraceptive, no.
solace3225: then what is wrong with me, a civilian having an abortin
solace3225: abortion*
solace3225: i don't see abortion as a contraceptive
evilnursemask: It's being done like brushing one's teeth now a days.
solace3225: not really
solace3225: it has gone down actually
evilnursemask: Samantha, I worked as a CST in the operating room of the biggest hospital in my state.
evilnursemask: Abortions everyday.
solace3225: but it is not in the blue states, most abortions are in blue states
evilnursemask: 12 per day on average.
solace3225: that doesn't matter
evilnursemask: Oh it doesn't?
solace3225: do you know why they are having abortions
evilnursemask: Yes.
evilnursemask: And yes, when the patients are asleep, we talk.
solace3225: and...?
evilnursemask: The MDs tell us that the abortions are a contraceptive. Very rarely is it an incidence of rape or anything like that.
solace3225: i don't see them as a contraceptive
evilnursemask: Most other liberals do.
solace3225: a contraceptive to me is: the pill, the patch and the shot that is given
solace3225: not a lot
solace3225: as you think
evilnursemask: Abortions should only be done in case of rape or health risks.
evilnursemask: Surgeons say that is only 2% of the time.
evilnursemask: 98% are for lack of responsibility.
evilnursemask: That is from the physicians' own words.
solace3225: that is such a glaring generality
evilnursemask: Yeah, ok.
evilnursemask: Rationalize it however you want.
solace3225: many men tell their wives, daughters, girlfriends to have abortions even though the woman wants the kid
evilnursemask: Sure.
solace3225: then that is not lack of responsibility
evilnursemask: Yeah.
solace3225: it takes two to tango
evilnursemask: Yeah.
solace3225: women get abortions because they cannot provide for the child
evilnursemask: Yeah.
solace3225: are you going to pay for the child
evilnursemask: They should have been abstinant.
solace3225: but these women are married
evilnursemask: So.
evilnursemask: If you can't take on a child, don't have sex.
evilnursemask: What's so hard about that.
solace3225: condom break, and birth control does not work
evilnursemask: 1%
evilnursemask: Birth control failure rate:1%
solace3225: yea
solace3225: still look at the size of our population
evilnursemask: You've lost this argument along time ago.
solace3225: that 1% could equal 1 million people
evilnursemask: Youre scrambling.
solace3225: no
solace3225: no
solace3225: it is the truth
evilnursemask: You haven't rebutted the main statement.
evilnursemask: If you can't take on a child, don't have sex.
solace3225: it is not as if i am making it up, what would i have to gain?
solace3225: i know you are researching
evilnursemask: I'm actually on the phone.
evilnursemask: Back.
solace3225: yea
evilnursemask: I guess what you won't address is this:If you can't take on a child, don't have sex.
evilnursemask: Abstinence has a 100% effectiveness rate.
solace3225: i said that i agree with you
solace3225: i agree with you
solace3225: duh
solace3225: i don't think you can get pregnant through masturbation
evilnursemask: So whats the problem?
evilnursemask: That eliminates 98% of abortions.
solace3225: not really
solace3225: what is someone is raped
evilnursemask: Really.
evilnursemask: 2%
solace3225: they are not asking for it
evilnursemask: Are you paying attention?
solace3225: i can subtract
evilnursemask: evilnursemask: 98% are for lack of responsibility.
evilnursemask: That is from the physicians' own words.

solace3225: okay
evilnursemask: Stop saying everyone is being raped and getting pregnant.
solace3225: does the doctor ask why they are having the abortion?
evilnursemask: Yes.
solace3225: every 1 someone is raped
solace3225: second*
evilnursemask: Sure.
solace3225: do you think that the rapists use condoms?
evilnursemask: Everytime someone is raped, they are pregnent from it? I doubt it.
evilnursemask: Highly doubt it, and now I'm chuckling.
solace3225: i am not saying everytime
solace3225: i never did
evilnursemask: did you say the majority of abortions are from rape.
solace3225: no i did not
evilnursemask: When it's really 2%.
solace3225: i said that people who get abortions, some of them are rape cases
evilnursemask: And you dispute that 98% is from lack of planning/responsibility?
solace3225: do you honestly think that the rapist wheres a condon
solace3225: yes
solace3225: there are other factors?
evilnursemask: You are misinformed.
solace3225: no ? mark*
solace3225: you are insular

evilnursemask: I tell you this from the statements of maybe a dozen physicians.
evilnursemask: Are they lying?
solace3225: i am not doubting their testimonies
solace3225: you are stating that 98% are from irresponsibility
solace3225: and I refuted that
evilnursemask: They are stating it, I am agreeing.
solace3225: you are stating it by typing it, are you not?
solace3225: but you said you didn't state it, you just agree with it
evilnursemask: Nice avoidance.

solace3225: i said that i was doubting their testimony
solace3225: that is the second time that i typed that
evilnursemask: solace3225: i am not doubting their testimonies
solace3225: i am not
evilnursemask: I've sunk your battleship.
solace3225: i think that they are credible
solace3225: since they are physicians
evilnursemask: solace3225: i said that i was doubting their testimony
solace3225: but do the doctors actually know why they are having that abortion
evilnursemask: Now my chuckle has developed into a belly laugh.
evilnursemask: Yes.
solace3225: there is a difference between doubting and recognizing the actual facts behind it
evilnursemask: We've been over this.,
solace3225: yes we have
solace3225: you have poor comprehension skills and you are insular
evilnursemask: Whatever you have to say.
solace3225: i am not saying because you apparently "sunk my battleship"
evilnursemask: This is an argument ad hominem.
solace3225: i am saying it because it is indeed true
evilnursemask: 'argument against the man' before you ask, which is just an attack on Me, not what I Say.
solace3225: no not really
solace3225: i am attacking what you say
evilnursemask: solace3225: you have poor comprehension skills and you are insular
solace3225: but you have poor comprehension still
solace3225: skills*
evilnursemask: Yeah.
solace3225: i know i said that
solace3225: yea you do
evilnursemask: I just showed you where you contridicted yourself.
solace3225: contradicted**
solace3225: no, i did not contradict myself
evilnursemask: And now you circumvented the topic.
solace3225: i did not

evilnursemask: solace3225: i said that i was doubting their testimony solace3225: i am not doubting their testimonies
solace3225: i just simply stated that you have poor comprehension skills
solace3225: i am not
solace3225: i am doubting the knowledge behind them
solace3225: as i stated before
solace3225: the doctors do not know the actual reasons, what is so hard about grasping this concept?
evilnursemask: They do know them.
solace3225: yea right
evilnursemask: That's what the pre abortion interview is about.
solace3225: they have a list of every single patient
solace3225: some clinics do not require them
evilnursemask: Yeah, it's called a 'chart'.
solace3225: really
solace3225: ?
solace3225: do tell me more
evilnursemask: In them states the reasons for abortions.
solace3225: is that a question?
evilnursemask: I'll treat you like a 3rd grader if youre going to reason like one.
solace3225: i am reasoning like a 3rd grader
solace3225: you are just too narrow-minded
solace3225: men make their wives have abortions
solace3225: fathers make their daughters have abortions
evilnursemask: the doctors do not know the actual reasons,yea right they have a list of every single patient
evilnursemask: Jesus Christ.
solace3225: they don't
solace3225: it is against state law to even ask
solace3225: well in PA
evilnursemask: You don't know much about what goes on in the medical profession.
solace3225: i can say the same for you
evilnursemask: I WORK THERE
evilnursemask: YOU DON"T
solace3225: and that is suppose to give you some backing of knowledge
solace3225: how do you know that i do not work at a hospital?
evilnursemask: Oh god.
evilnursemask: This is silly.
evilnursemask: You don't have to believe me I suppose.
solace3225: i believe that you work in a hospital
solace3225: that is the whole point of arguing
solace3225: trying to persuade someone
solace3225: well i have to g
evilnursemask:I know a lot about what I am telling you.
solace3225: point?
solace3225: we will pick this up later, i have to go
evilnursemask: HAHAHAHAHAH
solace3225: see ya
solace3225: no, it is storming and our other phone line is not working
solace3225: so i am on the main line
evilnursemask: I'll post this.
solace3225: remember it is illegal
evilnursemask: Sue me.
solace3225: you are not worth it
solace3225: go ahead post it and i will post this too
solace3225: then you can sue me
evilnursemask: I don't believe in frivilous liberal lawsuits.
solace3225: really
solace3225: interesting...
evilnursemask: JesseFactor will get a kick out of this conversation.
solace3225: go ahead, so will my liberal friends
evilnursemask: Cool.
solace3225: yes
evilnursemask: What are you wearing?
solace3225: see ya jesse
evilnursemask: Later Samantha.
solace3225 signed off at 11:44:32 AM.


I like how when I challenge their ideas on their site, my comments always seem to end up looking a lot like this:

Jesse said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
1:17 PM

How lame. So much for freedom of expression. Why is it so hard to get a liberal to debate and stay on an issue? Why do they always squirm? Why do they use sensationalistic journalism? Why do anti-war people put pictures of burned up kids and soldiers on their blogs to horrify the reader when pictures of hacked-up fetuses make them giggle? Why is the word 'abstinence' make them screech like a vampire in sunlight, but the thought of bizzare new family structures gives them erections.

Some bitch named 'Brandong' who works for that liberal shit factory site said this in response to an allegation that liberals are overemotional.

"Do you want to talk about emotions? The modern conservaive movement is BASED in emotion. The fear mongering, the rage, the unrestrained anger. The sexual jealousy right wingers exhibtted towards Bill Clinton. The hate and envy that angry white men exibit towards blacks and hispanics. The fury and outright hysteria that religious radicals exhibibt when confronted with gays and lesbians."

I've never seen someone fuck up the word 'exhibit' so many times in one sitting: what a fucking IDIOT. Here's your unrestrained anger. Here's your rage. Here's your hate and envy of blacks by whites. Disregarding certain facts and making generalizations is a good time, isn't it? Wasn't Clinton guilty of perjury? And who the fuck was jealous of Clinton's sex life? Only someone who can't even score with ugly fat bitches would, I'm guessing that would be Brandong. Hey, maybe you could try to get Samantha drunk. After you take her to an all-you-can-eat buffet.

'I wonder how many of these things I REALLY have.'

In short, my point is this. In a world where liberals are getting increasingly irrational, unintellegent, and whiney, it is easier for me to just dislike them than to pity them. Their fear of a structured debate makes them look silly, as does their inabilities once they dare enter that arena. Chris Bilal, you are a pussy and I'm going to bring you down. Believe me, the longer you ignore me, the worse it's going to get.


At 6:33 PM, Blogger Jesse said...


At 9:27 AM, Blogger Jesse said...

Well, the act of hacking fetuses is commonly practiced by liberals.

At 4:19 PM, Blogger halcyon67 said...

Oh, I never knew you cared.

Oh I am so hurt, oh so hurt.

At 3:41 PM, Blogger Kero said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 3:41 PM, Blogger Kero said...

my safe stance on abortion is not having one =D, I let you people decide on stuff like that, hoping one day normal people who aren't overzealous about one choice when the whole point is about helping people, and the moral statement both sides try and make.

And just for laughs.
I say give the newborns to U.S military and its about time we had super soldiers in mass amounts.

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Kero said...

and to add both sides have overzealous spokesmen
liberals have lots of crazy ones, and conservatives have people like Rush Limbaugh and fox (news corp) i don't think anyone just thinks things out rationally just because y9ou belong to one side doesn't mean you have to agree with them, its better not to be biased and think on your own and actually talk it out instead of making a simple debate a huge mockery.


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