Sunday, January 23, 2005


DEar libHatEr, YoU twO aR sTuPIdHeAdz.

Somehow, this site has acted as a giant fishing net for liberals with below average intellegence. At first, this really bothered me. I felt that some of our sarcasm and childish wit was attracting undesireable clientele, and that maybe we should consider going a bit more high-brow with this, so we could get some serious and profound liberal feedback about political ISSUES. But after serveral pensive days to consider the matter, I decided 'fuck no'.
As it turns out, the liberals have opened my eyes in the past few days to a new side of them. Gone are the days where I would get frustrated at their incompotence, angry at their lack of ethics or appropriate social behaviors, annoyed by their unproductive protesting, aggrivated by their predictible use of non-sensical bumpersticker slogans in debates, disgusted by their irresponsible fiscal spending. I've now been aquainted with some liberals that I have done something positive for me: made me laugh my scrotum off.
It's not like most of us conservatives ever took them too seriously anyway. Most of us either view them as a group to be pitied for their lack of talent and charisma, or as a festering cancer that needs to be ripped from society and incinerated. You'd think we'd get some somewhat reasonable rebuttals on here, but lately for some reason, this conservative boat has netted some really dumb fish.

"YoU gUyz aR a BUnch oF pOoPypAnTs."

Well tell us what you really think. I'm about to give a few of my liberal 'fans' some free pluggage, whether they like it or not. The following comments were provided to our site by the intellectual arm of the democratic party.

-"quite frankly i think you are both half-wits... i do truly wish that you were both more intelligent...proofread. nothing is more irritating than someone who begs to be taken seriously but who cannot type a grammatically correct sentence. -d
Well 'd', next time you come to my site to write four paragraphs with no substance or a specific, relevent response, I'll send you what I like to call 'a nasty online organism'.
-"what a fucking flamer.. you make fun of other peoples bloggers while you have gay men dancing together... go take it up the ass...i wouldnt be pround of the fact that your a bigger fag" -katie
Well katie, those are the same remarks I used to enjoy saying when I was your age. Don't worry, you'll get hair on your vagina soon enough. You'd have a point there if I was actually a homosexual. Aren't you supposed to be busy 'celebrating diversity'? Take a deep breath, and learn how to capitalize the first letter of your name.
Let's pull in the nets again. What do we have here.
-"I want to have the option to have an abortion if nessacary. In other words, I want to be an American." -Samantha
Practice safe sex, Samantha, and it won't be 'nessacary'.
-"wtf kind of blogger is this??? get a life cum eater." -anonymous
You have to love that anonymous liberal cowardice.
-"your father isnt as black as you think he is. a true black person wouldnt agree...your father is denying his heritage...cracker...your hopeless." -katie AGAIN
katie, you have a knack for making an ass of yourself. I nominate you for the 2008 democratic primaries. You may be even more insane than Howard Dean.

"katie and I are going to Utah! Then Michigan! Then we're going to take Ohio! Then the white house! YAARRAGAAGGGHHAGAGGAGHHH!!!

It just goes on from there, a bottomless pit of braindamaged crybabies. I want to thank the liberals who took the time to brighten my days with infantile rhetoric, irrelevent name-calling, and generally weak or half assed arguments. It all strengthens our belief that liberals are not to be taken seriously, ever.

I'll leave you with some very insightful and very truthful words taken from this site. It is a list of general examples of why Liberals are dangerous and incompetent.

"I BELIEVE that all Liberal Democrats are mentally undeveloped, and are locked into the age of 7 where everything that goes wrong in their lives is 'someone else’s fault.' This is called projection. No Liberal Democrats are able to admit fault for anything. I first ran into this when I was 5 years old when my father caught an older sadistic neighbor kid hitting me with a stick. My father asked this 11-year-old why he was hitting me with this stick, and he dropped the stick and said, 'what stick?' Just as President Clinton cannot tell a lie, if he "thinks" whatever he wants, it is 'true.' They cannot, and never will, accept responsibility for their actions."

Well put. And for you liberals that are finally starting to realize your lack of self-worth:


At 6:26 PM, Blogger Ellie Nash said...

but Jesse, aren't all liberals below average intelligence?

and referencing the site you linked "all Liberal Democrats believe that if they "talk about" a problem, then that problem is "solved." At least, all Liberal Democratic politicians act this way at all times. Like John Kerry, he would do everything that President Bush would do, but he would do it "better." What the hell is "better?" "

So what if John Kerry can string together a coherent sentence... does that really mean he's going to do anything about "the problem"? (and good points made... hoorah - best one yet. F- the liberals)

At 5:46 PM, Blogger d said...

i am not liberal.

why must you assume these things just because i think you are a moron?

furthermore- "It just goes on from there, a bottomless pit of braindamaged crybabies. I want to thank the liberals who took the time to brighten my days with infantile rhetoric, irrelevent name-calling, and generally weak or half assed arguments. It all strengthens our belief that liberals are not to be taken seriously, ever."
fight fire with fire i always say.

At 5:50 PM, Blogger d said...

oh, how rude of me. i forgot to thank you for putting my quotes, however spliced thay may be, front and center on your blog. maybe now i will "make an impact", what with all of the readers you have now introduced my views to. i am practically giddy.


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