Monday, January 31, 2005

Attention War Protesters: Lick My Balls- Part II

If you are a liberal, it would help you to read this first.

And to think, you liberals tried to stop this.

Most people know that I only visit two liberal sites with any regularity. Both of said sites contain lots and lots of anti-war propoganda. Why? The reasons vary. One of the sites is run by true idiots, and that's a fact. You can go to their site, and they will tell you that 2+2=5. All their idiot friends all say 'no shit, radical thinking is cool!' But then you bring them an abacus, count the fucking beads in front of them, and they just refuse to acknowledge you out of sheer stubborn immaturity. They are young people, (hence their site name), which means they will likely grow out of it and turn conservative eventually anyway.
The other site is run by who I believe to be actually intellegent (no, really), but who is also very stubborn and uses much more subtle tactics. This writer will twist things into oblivion to get a result that is suitable. It'll go more like this:

'this guy says 2+2 is 4.'

'but this guy thinks it's 5.'

Before you know it, it's real popular to say 5. And if you tell her it's still 4, you had better keep it to yourself, or you'll be ridiculed. This site is all filled with generic liberal pessimism, alligations (that when questioned aren't proven), monday morning quarterbacking, and other closed-mindedness. Well fuck that shit, we're on to you. For you liberals that MUST lower everyone's morale to further your agenda, I dedicate the rest of this post to you.

Today would be a good day to be kind to a Democrat. They won't be in a good mood. The people of Iraq have voted in their first free election in 50 years. Credit goes to Bush. Depression goes to the Democrats. ">Today would be a good day to be kind to a Democrat. They won't be in a good mood. The people of Iraq have voted in their first free election in 50 years. Credit goes to Bush. Depression goes to the Democrats.

The presidents of France and Russia, top opponents of U.S. policy in Iraq, joined world leaders Monday in praising this weekend's landmark Iraqi elections as a success of democracy over terrorism

President Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair - the leaders of the two nations which led the invasion of Iraq - hailed them as a resounding success.

Iraqi cops! quit celebrating!

Allawi! Quit smiling!

Iraqi woman! That better not be a smile!

You there! Quit clapping!

Here's to thinking positive.

P.S. People die and get maimed in wars, which makes none of this worth it.


At 9:26 AM, Blogger Jesse said...

That's pretty lame.


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