Wednesday, February 02, 2005

'Keep Your Laws Off My Body'



What are you yawning about?

Aren't you supposed to be dead?

'Keep your laws off my body.' What a fucking asshead slogan that is. I guess that means I can ignore those fucking stupid seatbelt laws that you morons insisted on. I think you liberals may have the coat hangers in the wrong orfice again. Before I get into the first trimester of this post, I have to warn you slow-witted jerkoffs that I am not against abortion in all cases. I believe it is a viable option under circumstances of rape and incest. With that said, let the ramming and sucking begin!
Abortion is being used as an escape from responsibility. Not all cases, but most. I have had the misfortune of having met HUNDREDS of women who have had the procedure done out of convenience. You see, I spent several years working directy for OB/GYN physicians at a very large hospital here in the northeast. Being present for hundreds of these procedures, I know exactly how it's done. My favorite part is when they piece the fetus back together on a table like a puzzle to make sure they got everything. I'm good at puzzles.
As a member of the hospital staff, I was privy to all sorts of confidential information. OB surgeons, when on a first name basis with you, like to share such information when the patient is either out of earshot or under anesthesia. The physicians themselves would estimate the rate of abortions done out of sheer irresponsibility and/or lack of planning was up near 90%. And before you get redfaced and call me a liar, just remember that I am passing on comments of ten or so physicians that have no reason to make that up. It makes me frustrated that these patients can use that as a reason to terminate a pregnancy. Of course, due to Hipaa Confidentiality laws, I am not able to give you the patients' names, phone numbers, or addresses, though I would love to.

What I mean when I say irresponsibility/lack of planning, I don't just mean that the women who get pregnant and abort are fithy pieces of shit, I incriminate the men as well. We both know that there are tons of guys that accidently knock up random whores they meet at the bar, and then plead with the whore to get an abortion. It usually works. These guys, well, they should be executed on the day of the abortion. Now that I think about it, we could pass legislation that punishes frivilous abortions in a very effective way. When they think they are in the physician's office for the abortion appointment, instead of leading them to the surgical suite, they get led to a huge concrete vault where huge guys with sledgehammers smash the living snot out of them. When their skulls are finally crushed to a fine pulp, a switch is thrown and their carcasses are sucked through an enormous wind tunnel and shot out into space. We have control of the House and the Senate, right? I'll call my congressman.

It comes down to that diabolical phrase that liberals cringe at: personal responsibility. If you're worried about your enormous weiner breaking out of the condom like the Incredible Hulk, don't have intercourse unless you can take on a child. If you are afraid of contraceptive failure rates, remember that abstinence works 100% of the time. I know it's discouraging that you are being told not to be whores, but hey, sometimes the medicine tastes bad.

Do I need to get into the whole adoption thing? Good, because I'm already getting sick of stating the obvious.

The whole 'if you are against abortion, don't have one' slogan is just as shitty. I'm also against arson. I won't torch your house, but if some crazy pyro does and I see it, I guess I shouldn't interfere then, huh. You liberals, you need to sit down and write some better catchphrases. Maybe ones that have substance.


Excellent point. Yes I take this personally because I’ve dealt with this, but my stance is so ridiculously improbable that I have to stand by it as well. You might have read one of my previous posts where I mentioned “were fucking crazy to make shit normal”. I feel that in order to come to a feasible compromise, there needs to be some ‘way out there’ conclusions. I understand some medical problems may deem it necessary to bring about aborting a fetus. I can deal with that. Other than that, I have gone absolutely insane on the points of personal responsibility. There’s plenty of forms of birth control, and obviously abstinence. We’ve all heard and understood that.

This is where you come in and say “what if some chick is raped”? Well, I would probably say that you should’ve had a better judge of character to know that you never should’ve gotten involved with your shady ex-boyfriend. Or, you thought you knew the guy who you met in the Tim Horton’s parking at 3 am. Oh, you probably shouldn’t have been walking through that part of town shit faced at that hour as well. And why the fuck were you alone anyway? And why didn’t you lock your door? And why the hell did you answer your phone?

fuckin mongaloid! motherfuckin abort!

If you think that most abortions are caused by rape, at some completely uncontrollable rank, you’re probably retarded. Some do, but it’s such a ridiculously small percentage that it doesn’t even justify giving abortions with such ease at this height of a national level. In a country where everyone is a victim and everyone likes to place blame, even myself, there’s some issues that you just can not be a dildo about. I fell if everyone took some ‘responsibility for their actions’, and a devastating situation like this did occur, I’m so sure public response would be overwhelmingly positive, or in the victims favor if you understand that better. When I say positive response, I mean things like toughing out a birthing process…and if you decide you can’t care for the child in your present conditions, That child would most likely be taken care of through adoption and go to a very capable family, and quickly. Or maybe by the time you have the kid, you might have a change a heart.

Yeah, fuck me. I’m a softy. This shit will never happen because it “puts restrictions on the human spirit” or some shit, right? I know life isn’t raining rose petals and growing gum drops. On the other hand, if I give in, there becomes no sense of balance and everything spins into chaos. And besides, we all know its wrong.


At 10:23 AM, Blogger Jesse said...

Are you afraid of standing by your opinion and putting your name?

At 12:50 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

Chuck, tell me if I'm way off base here. Smashing up a fetus and sucking it out seems to have obvious profound and enormous negative connotations. That said, if abortion can at all be avoided (adoption, birth control, or *gasp* preemptive sexual responsibility), I think it should be. I'm targeting the folks that treat it like a safety net. If the saftey net wasn't there, you better believe people would change their actions and attitudes.
You have to take my posts with a grain of crack, chuck. I don't mean we should literally kill the would-be parents. I mean if life is going to be viewed as worthless, than it might as well be that way for everyone.
And I'll let Adam defend his comments, but I'll say this: He isn't condoning rape or blaming the raped. He's saying lots of rapes could be avoided. Duh.

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

Nashira, I'm going to have to alienate you even further. I know of people with the same story that you have. Guess what, they end up doing it over and over again. Careful.

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

Chuck, don't be retarded. You've got to pay better attention to my post. If you need a reason why smashing skulls and sucking out the mash is probably wrong, then I need a reason why blowing up your house is wrong. Who are you to tell me what to do. I'm sure you will say, "uh uh, because it could potentially put me at risk for bodily injury and/or be fatal." And you'd be correct. So is abortion. Not only does it kill a life (I know, who am I to say that's wrong) but it puts the mother at risk. These risks include hemmorhage, infection, nerve damgage, reproductive systemic damage, and death, among other things. All of this can be avoided by the methods stated in the post, and I'll repeat. Abstinance is 100% effective. Sexual responsibility helps too. Maybe if the girl isn't ready for child birth, then she doesn't need sex. Only a whore would say this is unrealistic.

At 6:14 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

And chuck, I like you, but you're becoming a fucking chimp. Feel free to attack my argument, but don't waste your time with an attack on my writing style. I choose to write the way I do, because I feel it is both complete truth and entertaining; a deadly combination against many liberals. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it. We have a clause in the banner that mentions something along the lines of 'write your comments, but we can't promise to care'. Remember, it is always your right to not come here.

At 7:37 AM, Blogger unknown said...

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At 2:28 PM, Blogger unknown said...

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At 8:22 AM, Blogger unknown said...

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At 11:49 AM, Blogger Jesse said...

"Now, I'm not by any means a nympho, but I still haven't ever turned down the opportunity when it presented itself."

I think I may have isolated the problem.

At 5:06 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

Is it time to wrap this discussion up? I think the liberals have experienced a wave of destruction.

At 12:54 AM, Blogger Jesse said...

Chris: You're on for the debate, tell me when and with what forum.
Sarah: You are losing credibility ever since I called you out on your 'spanking' post. Until you deal with the concept of 'personal responsibility', I'm going to ignore you just like you ignore the concept.

At 1:11 AM, Blogger unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 4:48 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

Sorry, Chuck.
I keep forgetting that the world revolves around you. Let me drop everything and cater to your every whim. Now, what was your question again?

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

Seriously, what was it. I care about each of my readers.

At 7:57 AM, Blogger Jesse said...

I did challenge you, you confused pile of shit. You ignored me and a week later challenged me, like it was your idea or something. I wouldn't break a sweat dominating you in a debate. I'll send you packing just like I did with Samantha. Why don't you shut the fuck up for now, and meanwhile figure out how we're going to do this.

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

You're right. But I can't help but give them just enough rope to hang themselves with. Let's keep listening to them shoot their mouths off, and when it's time, I'll drop the hammer.

At 11:47 PM, Blogger unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:57 PM, Blogger unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 2:08 PM, Blogger d said...

wow. havent checked in here for quite some time. 64 comments, thats impressive. its obviously because youve given me a link and a shout out under your "rave reviews". good work there boys. ill check back in in another couple of weeks.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Gustavus said...

I think this is excellent. Not to impressed by some of the ... explicative but hey the content is good and you make your points well. Say no to guilt and yes to responsibility hoowa!

At 2:41 PM, Blogger James said...

Abortion / Life

Consider these facts and then consider:

The major Religions do not agree when life begins.
One out of every four or even one out of every 2 (high side) conceptions end up being discarded. Are these humans?
Every 2 seconds a child under 5 dies of malnutrition in the world.

This being the case why is the Religious Right not tackling these items, they are astounding figures and if the religious right is serious about life they require immediate attention. Or are they being hypocritical?

Below is a well reasoned argument for pro-choice.

"I hope it is clear that my objection to constraining access to abortion on the ground that the fetus has a right to life from the moment of conception is not that this is Catholic, and hence religious, doctrine. My objection is not that constraining the liberty on the ground of this doctrine violates the principle of separation of church and state. If the legislature constrains the liberty on the ground of this doctrine, and declares that it is entitled to do so because God says the doctrine is true, then the legislature does violate the principle of separation of church and state. But no sensible contemporary opponent of abortion invites the legislature to do this. The opponent of abortion instead invites the legislature to constrain the liberty on the ground of this doctrine, and to declare that it is entitled to do so because the doctrine is true. My objection remains."

"In sum, my case here against restrictive regulation of abortion rests on three ideas. First, restrictive regulation severely constrains women's liberty. Second, severe constraints on liberty may not be imposed in the name of considerations that the constrained are not unreasonable in rejecting. And third, the many women who reject the claim that the fetus has a right to life from the moment of conception are not unreasonable in doing so. All three ideas seem to me very plausible."

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

A)I'm not the Religious Right.
B)Liberals think that getting pregnant is similar to junk mail. Sometimes there's something worthwhile in the RiteAid flyer- so you save it, other times it's a pain in the ass and you throw it in the trash before looking at it.
C)Lack of sexual discretion does not constitute as Womens' Liberty.

At 2:36 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

Sorry again. But you call that starting a debate on your blog? You just posted a picture of a bumper sticker and was like "ok let's debate". At least the Young Liberals people want to have an exchange of ideas. When I challenge someone to a debate, I expect a little more out of them I guess. Sorry to overestimate you. And again, sorry I snapped at you. I don't censor myself at my site, and I've also been dealing with some TRUE DUMBASSES lately, and your taunt really annoyed me especially in light of your 'attempt' to discuss something with me.

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

How was your skiing trip, and where did you go?

At 5:31 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

LOL, what's up dude. Yeah, we want that draught beer system. Adam's basement will be ready for it pretty soon.


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