Tuesday, February 08, 2005


You know what else heavily sucks about Liberals? It's bad enough for the fact that they choose to avoid all personal responsibility on every level... What is worse is that they encourage the public around them to think that achieving a self-sufficient lifestyle is impossible to accomplish on their own. Fucking Liberals, they've been getting away with insulting the public's intelligence for years.

You might as well just rot there, I don't see any democrats around-so I guess you're fucked.

See, Liberals want us to believe that we need them, while in actuality, we don't. They would cease to exist as we know them if the 'I can't take care of myself' mentality that they force on the public was not their main propaganda. By doing this, the liberals impose and enforce a 'can't do' attitude on the gullible public, and this fosters laziness and a general false resentment against conservatives. Liberals want you to think that conservatives and libertarians are against the well being of the population, when it's just the opposite. We just don't think the thousands of federal and state programs compromising the 'liberal safety net' is a good way to motivate you do do well for yourself, and chiefly on your own. We know you can do it, but they don't want YOU to know it- because it would put them out of business forever. I'll put it into perspective, with emphasis on the Liberal Lack of Personal Responsibility. Here are quotes you will hear INSIDE a liberal mind:

"Just because I fail to discipline my son and take an active approach to teaching him has nothing to do with his total lack of interest and concentration at school. And he couldn't possibly just be slower than the rest of his class, no, he obviously is afflicted with [insert mental disorder of the month]."
That's right, your son acts like a fucking idiot at school and fails every class because he has ADHD, it couldn't possibly be because he doesn't work hard. I wish we had 'Attention Deficit Disorders' when I was in school, I could have played a lot more Nintendo instead of having homework and chores.

Better that they're happy than smart, I guess.

"Goddamn it, that was great sex. I hope I don't get inconvenienced with being pregnant, or I'll have to kill someone."
Right again, it's better that you're happy than responsible. Plus that $400 bucks you give the doctor will give the economy one hell of a boost.

I can't believe that asshole got me pregnant.

"I fucking hope they socialize healthcare, because I'm not paying for this coronary by myself... greedy republicans!"
It is your inalienable right to become morbidly obese. In fact, you'd be taking your liberties for granted by not becoming a fucking massive lard ass. That's why I go to work everyday, to make sure your unsightly ass is covered if you eat your way into diabetesville.

He's a fat unhealthy monkey, but goddamnit he's happy.
And while you're at it, make sure that you smoke as much as possible in celebration of your right to do so. If you haven't allowed your kids to smoke by age of 13, you're depriving them of their right to enjoy freedom. Hey- it's all about being a kid. They can teach themselves responsibility once you kick off from cervical cancer or stroke. Don't worry, I'll pay for their emphysima and COPD treatments, you won't be around, and besides, that's what I'm here for.

Your colon may be stewed tomatoes, but you REALLY enjoyed those smokes.

"The reason I can't find a decent job is because I'm a minority."
That's exactly right. It has nothing to do with the fact that the Official National Language in the United States is English, and you barely speak enough 'Englais' to ask a store clerk for Newport 100's. Heaven forbid that you take advantage of the Clinton Administration's ingenious tuition programs. You wouldn't want to spend 18 months at a technical school to be a Certified Pipefitter, because if you just take the graveyard shift at Dunkin' Donuts for $5.70 and hour, you could stand around and bitch about 'the Man' on your downtime. Plus at that wage, Liberals will allot you food stamps. Take 'em! I don't mind paying for you. It'll give you more money for Heineken. I'm pissed that my ancestors didn't find an alternative to getting ahead by working hard when they came here from Europe decades ago.

The more you learn, the more you earn, which means this guy's not only poor, he's fucking retarded .

Remember, common citizen. You are a world-class moron, and can not lead a self-sufficient lifestyle on your own. You NEED democrats to tax others and redistribute it to you. You deserve it. We do not want you to be constrained by the shackles of responsibility or hard work and determination. And especially remember, if it's not fun, don't do it.


At 11:56 AM, Blogger Jesse said...

Let me think about that for a few days, I'll let you know.

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Eric Carlson said...

I think it is cool that you hate half of the country, I think you could probably make it more though, if you tried. Good luck on that!
Also, it is refreshing to see a new view, I plan on coming to your website often. Thanks for opening my eyes!

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

No problem. I will definitely have a workable forum up and running Sunday night at the LATEST, my liberal pal.


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