Liberals are slowly being extracted from the human population
I'd first like to say that it is great to be back. Now fuck off.
Jesse works diligently in the analogy lab as his brother looks on
After months working tirelessly in the lab, I have uncovered new and overwhelming proof that gay people deserve all the shit that they get. That's right, I have found in my researching that discrimination and the general picking on of gay people is not only acceptable, it is actually a natural human tendency. The icing on the cake is that my theory was proven using Darwinian philosophy. Gay people are liberals, and liberals are evolutionists since they hate God, and evolutionists believe in Darwinism. So I used a gay peoples' faggity-ass reasoning on them. Beating them at their own 'gaym', if you will.
Chances are that you remember going outside during recess when you were a child. Probably you remember playing games with the other children. But things have changed since I was a little boy. The liberals have taken over the school systems and banned some of the games we played when I was young. One of the games those fucking whiners outlawed was called 'Smear the Queer'. It was AWESOME. The rules are simple, according to Hoyle's Official Rules.
Smear the queer is a rougher tag variant common among children. In this game, "it" is instead called "the queer" (the word is used in the sense of "homosexual" to contemporary players). The queer does not try to tag the other players; instead, he tries to avoid being tagged, or, more often, tackled (knocked down to the ground as roughly as possible).
Smear the queer is often played with an object such as a ball which is held by the "queer". Once the "queer" is tagged or tackled, he throws the object at another player. The other players then try to avoid the object, so as not to become the new "queer". Like other forms of tag, those who stay "it" (queer) the longest are considered the worst players.
And it looks a little like this:
Remember to go for the pressure point
Oh and as a side point, the above picture came from this cutting edge research story in the UK. Shimply ex'shtrod'nry journ'lism, old chaps.
The point here is that children, who have not yet been infected with agenda-based grownup's mentality, are operating on instinct when they are away from the grownups. The games they play are along the same lines as the shit baby lion cubs play with each other when they are tiny and misleadingly adorable. Do you watch nature shows? Me neither but some how I know that adolescent animals roughhouse like this all the time to prove dominance, seek acceptability, and all that kind of instinctive experimental shite. And oh yeah, if one of the lion cubs was discovered by the others to exhibit some type of major difference between it and the others, you could bet that it would be the one singled out and fucked with on a regular basis. (As grownups, we cannot legally play Smear the Queer, because we are burdened by large liberal government with many laws.) That's how nature works. Natural selection. If you act in unacceptable ways, the others will kill you. I miss playing smear the Queer.
The whole natural selection thing that God-hating liberals believe in actually does have merit. Just look at the hurricane situation in the South. It was awesome! It helped weed out the true idiots of our species and punished many more lesser idiots. Chalk this up to evolutionary theory disposing of the bottom tier of human intelligence.
The local government called for an evacuation of New Orleans. Thousands of people who live in a city that is below sea level heard that call, shrugged, and said, "Fuck that. I think I will just chill where I am." Now they are paying the price of their liberal ignorance. It really pisses me off when I see some Katrina victim on the news say, "But all the buses going out of the city were full. We had to stay. We had no option!" FUCK YOU. It is called a "disaster" for a reason. If the buses are full, find another way out! Hire that old Creole bastard Francois Villeneux and his rowboat and get the fuck out! Do what you have to!
This tree actually landed just feet from where this guy slept. Hard to believe this guy is even stupider than
This non-planning jerkoff
There are always options. This is a perfect case of Darwinism revealing itself in modern day America. If you act like a dumbass, you might die. But oh we are supposed to feel sorry for Leroy Washington who claims he couldn't get on a bus out of town. Aww, not everything was provided to you? Poor fucking baby. With three days notice, you could have outwalked the storm, you fucking stupid dildo.
To sum up, liberals are slowly killing themselves off, which frees up a lot of time for people with skills.
Liberals should know not to try to compete with such a well rounded actor as Wilson. They will get upstaged every time.