Monday, January 31, 2005

Attention War Protesters: Lick My Balls- Part II

If you are a liberal, it would help you to read this first.

And to think, you liberals tried to stop this.

Most people know that I only visit two liberal sites with any regularity. Both of said sites contain lots and lots of anti-war propoganda. Why? The reasons vary. One of the sites is run by true idiots, and that's a fact. You can go to their site, and they will tell you that 2+2=5. All their idiot friends all say 'no shit, radical thinking is cool!' But then you bring them an abacus, count the fucking beads in front of them, and they just refuse to acknowledge you out of sheer stubborn immaturity. They are young people, (hence their site name), which means they will likely grow out of it and turn conservative eventually anyway.
The other site is run by who I believe to be actually intellegent (no, really), but who is also very stubborn and uses much more subtle tactics. This writer will twist things into oblivion to get a result that is suitable. It'll go more like this:

'this guy says 2+2 is 4.'

'but this guy thinks it's 5.'

Before you know it, it's real popular to say 5. And if you tell her it's still 4, you had better keep it to yourself, or you'll be ridiculed. This site is all filled with generic liberal pessimism, alligations (that when questioned aren't proven), monday morning quarterbacking, and other closed-mindedness. Well fuck that shit, we're on to you. For you liberals that MUST lower everyone's morale to further your agenda, I dedicate the rest of this post to you.

Today would be a good day to be kind to a Democrat. They won't be in a good mood. The people of Iraq have voted in their first free election in 50 years. Credit goes to Bush. Depression goes to the Democrats. ">Today would be a good day to be kind to a Democrat. They won't be in a good mood. The people of Iraq have voted in their first free election in 50 years. Credit goes to Bush. Depression goes to the Democrats.

The presidents of France and Russia, top opponents of U.S. policy in Iraq, joined world leaders Monday in praising this weekend's landmark Iraqi elections as a success of democracy over terrorism

President Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair - the leaders of the two nations which led the invasion of Iraq - hailed them as a resounding success.

Iraqi cops! quit celebrating!

Allawi! Quit smiling!

Iraqi woman! That better not be a smile!

You there! Quit clapping!

Here's to thinking positive.

P.S. People die and get maimed in wars, which makes none of this worth it.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

I'm Declaring War

You all know how I like to shy away from exposing liberal morons for who they are, right? Well in this instance, I can't resist. I have happened on to a site run by such arrogant, ignorant, one-sided, hateful, and unintelligent subhumans, that it has made me quake with rage. I'm telling you, these guys are even more retarded than I am. Ladies and gentleman, I give you Young Liberals.

These douchbags are led by Headdouchebag Chris Bilal, a condesending, ugly, militant, typical angry black adolescent.

Action shot: That's the expression one uses when they are about to be verbally sodomized.

And here he is. I know, it's cruel to post ugly people's pictures unexpectedly like that, but try to keep your vomit contained. This putzy desk clerk from a law firm has no idea what he's in for. I try to provoke a debate out of him, and I get typical liberal cowardice in return. He runs his site like a third world socialist. He removes comments by readers who make the slightest implication that he is a monkey. He tells me he is going to ignore me whenever I address him. For a supposed free thinker, he doesn't want his readers to think freely. He spews liberal propaganda and poorly typed borish rhetoric and expects people to treat it as the word of God. Don't worry, after our my war gets going, we'll find him in a spider hole with poop in his pants, well, because that's what fearful dictators do.

There's a morbidly obese teenager with an enormous head from the site, named Samantha. Now Samantha has something in her favor, she at least tried to debate me privatly about a month ago. Her argument was nothing a fourth grader couldn't handle, but at least she gave it a shot. She urged me not to print it, but fuck her and her gargantuan body. She wanted to screw around with the abortion debate. Here it is in part:

I put the turning points of the argument in bold in case you just want to skim it.
(Samantha is Solace3225)

solace3225: okay, what about this
solace3225: regarding abortion
solace3225: what about female soldiers who are raped by male soldiers, should they be allowed to have an abortion and have their rights respected
evilnursemask: Yes.
evilnursemask: But as a contraceptive, no.
solace3225: then what is wrong with me, a civilian having an abortin
solace3225: abortion*
solace3225: i don't see abortion as a contraceptive
evilnursemask: It's being done like brushing one's teeth now a days.
solace3225: not really
solace3225: it has gone down actually
evilnursemask: Samantha, I worked as a CST in the operating room of the biggest hospital in my state.
evilnursemask: Abortions everyday.
solace3225: but it is not in the blue states, most abortions are in blue states
evilnursemask: 12 per day on average.
solace3225: that doesn't matter
evilnursemask: Oh it doesn't?
solace3225: do you know why they are having abortions
evilnursemask: Yes.
evilnursemask: And yes, when the patients are asleep, we talk.
solace3225: and...?
evilnursemask: The MDs tell us that the abortions are a contraceptive. Very rarely is it an incidence of rape or anything like that.
solace3225: i don't see them as a contraceptive
evilnursemask: Most other liberals do.
solace3225: a contraceptive to me is: the pill, the patch and the shot that is given
solace3225: not a lot
solace3225: as you think
evilnursemask: Abortions should only be done in case of rape or health risks.
evilnursemask: Surgeons say that is only 2% of the time.
evilnursemask: 98% are for lack of responsibility.
evilnursemask: That is from the physicians' own words.
solace3225: that is such a glaring generality
evilnursemask: Yeah, ok.
evilnursemask: Rationalize it however you want.
solace3225: many men tell their wives, daughters, girlfriends to have abortions even though the woman wants the kid
evilnursemask: Sure.
solace3225: then that is not lack of responsibility
evilnursemask: Yeah.
solace3225: it takes two to tango
evilnursemask: Yeah.
solace3225: women get abortions because they cannot provide for the child
evilnursemask: Yeah.
solace3225: are you going to pay for the child
evilnursemask: They should have been abstinant.
solace3225: but these women are married
evilnursemask: So.
evilnursemask: If you can't take on a child, don't have sex.
evilnursemask: What's so hard about that.
solace3225: condom break, and birth control does not work
evilnursemask: 1%
evilnursemask: Birth control failure rate:1%
solace3225: yea
solace3225: still look at the size of our population
evilnursemask: You've lost this argument along time ago.
solace3225: that 1% could equal 1 million people
evilnursemask: Youre scrambling.
solace3225: no
solace3225: no
solace3225: it is the truth
evilnursemask: You haven't rebutted the main statement.
evilnursemask: If you can't take on a child, don't have sex.
solace3225: it is not as if i am making it up, what would i have to gain?
solace3225: i know you are researching
evilnursemask: I'm actually on the phone.
evilnursemask: Back.
solace3225: yea
evilnursemask: I guess what you won't address is this:If you can't take on a child, don't have sex.
evilnursemask: Abstinence has a 100% effectiveness rate.
solace3225: i said that i agree with you
solace3225: i agree with you
solace3225: duh
solace3225: i don't think you can get pregnant through masturbation
evilnursemask: So whats the problem?
evilnursemask: That eliminates 98% of abortions.
solace3225: not really
solace3225: what is someone is raped
evilnursemask: Really.
evilnursemask: 2%
solace3225: they are not asking for it
evilnursemask: Are you paying attention?
solace3225: i can subtract
evilnursemask: evilnursemask: 98% are for lack of responsibility.
evilnursemask: That is from the physicians' own words.

solace3225: okay
evilnursemask: Stop saying everyone is being raped and getting pregnant.
solace3225: does the doctor ask why they are having the abortion?
evilnursemask: Yes.
solace3225: every 1 someone is raped
solace3225: second*
evilnursemask: Sure.
solace3225: do you think that the rapists use condoms?
evilnursemask: Everytime someone is raped, they are pregnent from it? I doubt it.
evilnursemask: Highly doubt it, and now I'm chuckling.
solace3225: i am not saying everytime
solace3225: i never did
evilnursemask: did you say the majority of abortions are from rape.
solace3225: no i did not
evilnursemask: When it's really 2%.
solace3225: i said that people who get abortions, some of them are rape cases
evilnursemask: And you dispute that 98% is from lack of planning/responsibility?
solace3225: do you honestly think that the rapist wheres a condon
solace3225: yes
solace3225: there are other factors?
evilnursemask: You are misinformed.
solace3225: no ? mark*
solace3225: you are insular

evilnursemask: I tell you this from the statements of maybe a dozen physicians.
evilnursemask: Are they lying?
solace3225: i am not doubting their testimonies
solace3225: you are stating that 98% are from irresponsibility
solace3225: and I refuted that
evilnursemask: They are stating it, I am agreeing.
solace3225: you are stating it by typing it, are you not?
solace3225: but you said you didn't state it, you just agree with it
evilnursemask: Nice avoidance.

solace3225: i said that i was doubting their testimony
solace3225: that is the second time that i typed that
evilnursemask: solace3225: i am not doubting their testimonies
solace3225: i am not
evilnursemask: I've sunk your battleship.
solace3225: i think that they are credible
solace3225: since they are physicians
evilnursemask: solace3225: i said that i was doubting their testimony
solace3225: but do the doctors actually know why they are having that abortion
evilnursemask: Now my chuckle has developed into a belly laugh.
evilnursemask: Yes.
solace3225: there is a difference between doubting and recognizing the actual facts behind it
evilnursemask: We've been over this.,
solace3225: yes we have
solace3225: you have poor comprehension skills and you are insular
evilnursemask: Whatever you have to say.
solace3225: i am not saying because you apparently "sunk my battleship"
evilnursemask: This is an argument ad hominem.
solace3225: i am saying it because it is indeed true
evilnursemask: 'argument against the man' before you ask, which is just an attack on Me, not what I Say.
solace3225: no not really
solace3225: i am attacking what you say
evilnursemask: solace3225: you have poor comprehension skills and you are insular
solace3225: but you have poor comprehension still
solace3225: skills*
evilnursemask: Yeah.
solace3225: i know i said that
solace3225: yea you do
evilnursemask: I just showed you where you contridicted yourself.
solace3225: contradicted**
solace3225: no, i did not contradict myself
evilnursemask: And now you circumvented the topic.
solace3225: i did not

evilnursemask: solace3225: i said that i was doubting their testimony solace3225: i am not doubting their testimonies
solace3225: i just simply stated that you have poor comprehension skills
solace3225: i am not
solace3225: i am doubting the knowledge behind them
solace3225: as i stated before
solace3225: the doctors do not know the actual reasons, what is so hard about grasping this concept?
evilnursemask: They do know them.
solace3225: yea right
evilnursemask: That's what the pre abortion interview is about.
solace3225: they have a list of every single patient
solace3225: some clinics do not require them
evilnursemask: Yeah, it's called a 'chart'.
solace3225: really
solace3225: ?
solace3225: do tell me more
evilnursemask: In them states the reasons for abortions.
solace3225: is that a question?
evilnursemask: I'll treat you like a 3rd grader if youre going to reason like one.
solace3225: i am reasoning like a 3rd grader
solace3225: you are just too narrow-minded
solace3225: men make their wives have abortions
solace3225: fathers make their daughters have abortions
evilnursemask: the doctors do not know the actual reasons,yea right they have a list of every single patient
evilnursemask: Jesus Christ.
solace3225: they don't
solace3225: it is against state law to even ask
solace3225: well in PA
evilnursemask: You don't know much about what goes on in the medical profession.
solace3225: i can say the same for you
evilnursemask: I WORK THERE
evilnursemask: YOU DON"T
solace3225: and that is suppose to give you some backing of knowledge
solace3225: how do you know that i do not work at a hospital?
evilnursemask: Oh god.
evilnursemask: This is silly.
evilnursemask: You don't have to believe me I suppose.
solace3225: i believe that you work in a hospital
solace3225: that is the whole point of arguing
solace3225: trying to persuade someone
solace3225: well i have to g
evilnursemask:I know a lot about what I am telling you.
solace3225: point?
solace3225: we will pick this up later, i have to go
evilnursemask: HAHAHAHAHAH
solace3225: see ya
solace3225: no, it is storming and our other phone line is not working
solace3225: so i am on the main line
evilnursemask: I'll post this.
solace3225: remember it is illegal
evilnursemask: Sue me.
solace3225: you are not worth it
solace3225: go ahead post it and i will post this too
solace3225: then you can sue me
evilnursemask: I don't believe in frivilous liberal lawsuits.
solace3225: really
solace3225: interesting...
evilnursemask: JesseFactor will get a kick out of this conversation.
solace3225: go ahead, so will my liberal friends
evilnursemask: Cool.
solace3225: yes
evilnursemask: What are you wearing?
solace3225: see ya jesse
evilnursemask: Later Samantha.
solace3225 signed off at 11:44:32 AM.


I like how when I challenge their ideas on their site, my comments always seem to end up looking a lot like this:

Jesse said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
1:17 PM

How lame. So much for freedom of expression. Why is it so hard to get a liberal to debate and stay on an issue? Why do they always squirm? Why do they use sensationalistic journalism? Why do anti-war people put pictures of burned up kids and soldiers on their blogs to horrify the reader when pictures of hacked-up fetuses make them giggle? Why is the word 'abstinence' make them screech like a vampire in sunlight, but the thought of bizzare new family structures gives them erections.

Some bitch named 'Brandong' who works for that liberal shit factory site said this in response to an allegation that liberals are overemotional.

"Do you want to talk about emotions? The modern conservaive movement is BASED in emotion. The fear mongering, the rage, the unrestrained anger. The sexual jealousy right wingers exhibtted towards Bill Clinton. The hate and envy that angry white men exibit towards blacks and hispanics. The fury and outright hysteria that religious radicals exhibibt when confronted with gays and lesbians."

I've never seen someone fuck up the word 'exhibit' so many times in one sitting: what a fucking IDIOT. Here's your unrestrained anger. Here's your rage. Here's your hate and envy of blacks by whites. Disregarding certain facts and making generalizations is a good time, isn't it? Wasn't Clinton guilty of perjury? And who the fuck was jealous of Clinton's sex life? Only someone who can't even score with ugly fat bitches would, I'm guessing that would be Brandong. Hey, maybe you could try to get Samantha drunk. After you take her to an all-you-can-eat buffet.

'I wonder how many of these things I REALLY have.'

In short, my point is this. In a world where liberals are getting increasingly irrational, unintellegent, and whiney, it is easier for me to just dislike them than to pity them. Their fear of a structured debate makes them look silly, as does their inabilities once they dare enter that arena. Chris Bilal, you are a pussy and I'm going to bring you down. Believe me, the longer you ignore me, the worse it's going to get.

Monday, January 24, 2005

And THIS is Why I Hate the Elderly

Why can't you just die already!?

Not to be insensitive, but you old people have been gumming up the works for some time now. The problem is that you are impeding my progress to accomplish important things without making any positive donations of your own. I'm in that mood again, so you may want to double up on your meds for this one.
I can't even go into a supermarket for a bag of chips and a roll of TP without coming out of there with a fucking ZZ Top beard. Ethel, if it's going to take you 45 minutes to write out a check, either let me go ahead of you or send someone competent in. The next old bag that looks at a pen and says 'crazy newfangled gadgets' gets one in the knees.

"Hey, this TV has a typewriter hooked to it!"

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but being demented is just like man-on-man sodomy. I don't care if you do it at your house, but don't let it involve me.
And it turns out, you're not just confused and slow, you're dangerous. As of 2002, drivers 75 years and older have higher rates of fatal motor vehicle crashes than drivers in other age groups except teenagers. That's scary enough, but then consider this. Teens grow out of being teens, you just stay being fucking old. So it would be safe to nip this in the bud and preemptively take your licenses at age 65.

"Did you get a description of the driver?"
"Yeah, his face looked like an antique baseball glove."

People 75 years and older have the highest pedestrian death rates per 100,000 people. It's fine if you only hurt yourself. But running over a person? C'mon, it's not like a missle was bearing down on you and you couldn't get out of the way. It was a fucking guy on foot. Jesus Christ. I can picture it happening to me: I'm crossing the road to cash my paycheck, which will put gas in my car, so I can work and pay taxes to allow you to live in your government subsidized housing and eek out another miserable few months of low-quality life, and you run me over.
Which brings me to another thing. Just because you suck at everything EXCEPT fucking up stories, doesn't mean you can be crotchity. I know it's a pain in the ass that you have no idea what your bowels are doing, but your misfortune shouldn't have to be my misfortune. If I want to hear complaining, bitching, and general frustration, I'll tune into Air America. At least I won't have to look at the people.

Did you do your makeup without a mirror again?

And to show you that I am a compassionate chap, we would like to give you your own state. That's right, all persons over 65 are hereby ordered to live in Florida. It's going to be great, you can do what ever you wish there. 24 hour beano games, Matlock-theme crosswords, all the figs and prunes you can eat. There's one catch though: we're knocking down all the hospitals. Those of us who don't waste society's resourses need them up here.

In conclusion, you hate me, I hate you, but I'm stronger and smarter. Hell, I can even work the remote to my television without having to call someone to help me.

Now get in there, and shut the fuck up.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


DEar libHatEr, YoU twO aR sTuPIdHeAdz.

Somehow, this site has acted as a giant fishing net for liberals with below average intellegence. At first, this really bothered me. I felt that some of our sarcasm and childish wit was attracting undesireable clientele, and that maybe we should consider going a bit more high-brow with this, so we could get some serious and profound liberal feedback about political ISSUES. But after serveral pensive days to consider the matter, I decided 'fuck no'.
As it turns out, the liberals have opened my eyes in the past few days to a new side of them. Gone are the days where I would get frustrated at their incompotence, angry at their lack of ethics or appropriate social behaviors, annoyed by their unproductive protesting, aggrivated by their predictible use of non-sensical bumpersticker slogans in debates, disgusted by their irresponsible fiscal spending. I've now been aquainted with some liberals that I have done something positive for me: made me laugh my scrotum off.
It's not like most of us conservatives ever took them too seriously anyway. Most of us either view them as a group to be pitied for their lack of talent and charisma, or as a festering cancer that needs to be ripped from society and incinerated. You'd think we'd get some somewhat reasonable rebuttals on here, but lately for some reason, this conservative boat has netted some really dumb fish.

"YoU gUyz aR a BUnch oF pOoPypAnTs."

Well tell us what you really think. I'm about to give a few of my liberal 'fans' some free pluggage, whether they like it or not. The following comments were provided to our site by the intellectual arm of the democratic party.

-"quite frankly i think you are both half-wits... i do truly wish that you were both more intelligent...proofread. nothing is more irritating than someone who begs to be taken seriously but who cannot type a grammatically correct sentence. -d
Well 'd', next time you come to my site to write four paragraphs with no substance or a specific, relevent response, I'll send you what I like to call 'a nasty online organism'.
-"what a fucking flamer.. you make fun of other peoples bloggers while you have gay men dancing together... go take it up the ass...i wouldnt be pround of the fact that your a bigger fag" -katie
Well katie, those are the same remarks I used to enjoy saying when I was your age. Don't worry, you'll get hair on your vagina soon enough. You'd have a point there if I was actually a homosexual. Aren't you supposed to be busy 'celebrating diversity'? Take a deep breath, and learn how to capitalize the first letter of your name.
Let's pull in the nets again. What do we have here.
-"I want to have the option to have an abortion if nessacary. In other words, I want to be an American." -Samantha
Practice safe sex, Samantha, and it won't be 'nessacary'.
-"wtf kind of blogger is this??? get a life cum eater." -anonymous
You have to love that anonymous liberal cowardice.
-"your father isnt as black as you think he is. a true black person wouldnt agree...your father is denying his heritage...cracker...your hopeless." -katie AGAIN
katie, you have a knack for making an ass of yourself. I nominate you for the 2008 democratic primaries. You may be even more insane than Howard Dean.

"katie and I are going to Utah! Then Michigan! Then we're going to take Ohio! Then the white house! YAARRAGAAGGGHHAGAGGAGHHH!!!

It just goes on from there, a bottomless pit of braindamaged crybabies. I want to thank the liberals who took the time to brighten my days with infantile rhetoric, irrelevent name-calling, and generally weak or half assed arguments. It all strengthens our belief that liberals are not to be taken seriously, ever.

I'll leave you with some very insightful and very truthful words taken from this site. It is a list of general examples of why Liberals are dangerous and incompetent.

"I BELIEVE that all Liberal Democrats are mentally undeveloped, and are locked into the age of 7 where everything that goes wrong in their lives is 'someone else’s fault.' This is called projection. No Liberal Democrats are able to admit fault for anything. I first ran into this when I was 5 years old when my father caught an older sadistic neighbor kid hitting me with a stick. My father asked this 11-year-old why he was hitting me with this stick, and he dropped the stick and said, 'what stick?' Just as President Clinton cannot tell a lie, if he "thinks" whatever he wants, it is 'true.' They cannot, and never will, accept responsibility for their actions."

Well put. And for you liberals that are finally starting to realize your lack of self-worth:

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Gay Activists: Quit Clogging America's Bowels

Stop laughing, this is serious.

Homosexual activism may just be the stupidest thing Liberals get involved with besides politics. Most of the population is sick of it, too. And before you start screeching 'freedom of expression' slogans, I want to ask you to shut the fuck up, because it's my turn to speak.
We live in a democratic society, which means that the majority rules. I can't walk around with my testicles hanging out of my fly because the majority of citizens find it disconcerting. I can't sit in the middle of Macy's and take a crap next to the men's slacks, because it's not socially acceptable and maybe offensive. I can't wear a T-shirt that says "I love Osama Bin Laden" because sensible people will find it distasteful and will beat me up. There are rules which govern acceptable behavior in public. What I CAN do however is all of these things in my own home. This applies to homosexual activity. No one is saying that you can't be gay; people just want you to practice it in private. The reason is clear- the majority of the population finds it unacceptable.

You know, I never thought of that.

"You can't speak for everyone, what is acceptable is different to different people." Shut up. If the majority of people liked homosexual lifestyles, you wouldn't need to hold rallys and protests. So by being an activist you are proving that most people disagree with you.
This brings me to another point- activists who hold rallys. You are wasting your time and embarrassing yourselves. Equal rights for gay people? What the fuck is that about? You are bitching about employment discrimination? Why? Unless you are being inappropriately flamboyant in your interview, you won't get descriminated against. Pro-gay marriage laws? It's not going to happen, the majority finds it inappropriate. Deal with it. It's a rather silly idea anyway.

Hurry, you'll be late for your job interview.

I guess my point is, the majority is never going to cater to a small majority, and shouldn't have to. It's rather shameful that you would be so abrasive to even assume this. Should I team up with other guys that like to put their testicles out of their pants in public and go to the the steps of the the City Hall with a bullhorn ranting why everyone should tollerate me? Fuck no.
The reason there are so many silly little organizations, alliances, and support groups suggests that gay people are feeling like outcasts. If society views you this way, then what makes you think pride marches and rallies are going to change anyone's minds? Are you preaching awareness? We're aware, now shut the fuck up.
Before I get thirty million comments calling me a Nazi, remember that I never once said that being a homosexual is wrong. I am a huge supporter of freedom, and believe what goes on in private between consenting adults is their business. I am not a homophobe, I have several gay friends, and I'm not hateful to the idea of gay people. I am hateful to the activism, the complaining, and the assumption that they as a small minority should be owed anything special. I also believe that being overly flamboyant can make a person look fucking stupid, too.

You bring it on yourselves.

This is just none of my business.

Okay, you've convinced me. How can I get in on this?

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Happy Inauguration Day, Liberal Jerkoffs! and Thanks for being a rash on the balls of America!

This day is ours. It is not yours silly liberals, although if you had the capacity for logic, it would be. I dedicated this day to doing all the things liberals are trying to stop me from doing. The next four years may be the last chance to do a lot of the things I take for granted. I'll take you through it:
I woke up, and before I even went to take my morning piss, I went outside and brushed all the snow off my grill. That's right, I treated myself to a 1.5 pound steak for breakfast. As it turns out, I woke up my liberal neighbors when I did this, since it was 5 AM and I go to work everyday. On my way to work in my evil conservative gas-guzzling SUV hatemobile, I filled my tank with the high test. I decided to take the long way to work after that, without wearing my seatbelt, hoping to pollute as much of the fucking atmosphere as possible. I even left 'er running while I was at work. On the way home, I stopped off at the biggest corperation I could, Wal-Mart, and bought a case of shells for my shotgun. No, I don't have any real need for ammunition today, but if any liberals try to take away my rights today, I just might.
Let's all take a moment to appreciate what happened today at noon. Just imagine if Kerry had won the election. We'd be fucked. It would be like asking Billy Joel to be your kids' school bus driver. Just plain stupid. And for those of you pretending not to know what I mean:
Living in this country is sort of like quarterbacking a football team. You have a choice between two guys to snap the ball to you and protect your ass. You can either have the guy from "Everybody Loves Raymond" (the one whose wife and mom bosses him around), or Vin Diesil. Thank god America picked the right one.

"Even I would make a better leader than Kerry!"

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

MLK Day Update: Blacks Working Against Themselves

I can't help but chuckle.

A lot of black people are fucked up. There. I said it. This may be a generalization, but most black folks I see are really working AGAINST racism. Fortunately for me, I have some reasoning behind my statements.
So blacks believe they are oppressed by whites. I'm not denying the history of slavery, segregation, discrimination, or any other historical facts. But I do deny that racism against blacks exists to the degree and in the manner that they say it does.
I have a few black friends. There aren't a whole lot in my neighborhood, but the ones I do know or meet I seem to get along with just fine. I dare say that I don't even recognize their color when interacting with them. It just isn't a big deal to me. I'm more into judging by deeds. The same goes for most whites that I know. Maybe it is just the way it is here in the Northeast, but around here, color isn't that big a deal.
But the message we get from black celebraties (i.e. rappers, actors, and many political figures) is the opposite. They make it out to be as though we still live in the 1950's.
Why can't I say 'nigger'? Not that I would really want to anyway, but blacks have made a huge deal out of whites using this word. But are they really that sensitive about it? Why have Black Leaders not demanded that the word Nigger be eliminated from rap Songs, comedians' vocabulary, and black movies? Some try to circumvent the ignorance by saying it's really pronounced "Nigga". They claim the intent is defined "as they determine" along with the race of the person who uses it. Black activists drool over the continuing verbal racial tensions. It feeds their personal agenda of corrupt power over the poor and ignorant. They'll continue to play the race card with the aid of the liberal media assholes.
Which brings me to the real source of racism: Liberals. Liberals will have you believe that blacks do not get a fair shake in life, and need federal assistance. But this is called Enabling. To have blacks believe this notion will only keep them from engaging in opportunities. Why aren't the black leaders solving or discussing some of the more pressing issues - Over 70% of Black children grow up without the daily instruction of a father? Many wind up on the streets in gangs and idolize drug dealers. And who is there to misguide them? Liberals. The black self-given disadvantage is just what liberals need to feel important. Now they can create programs of assistance and use Federal dollars to give blacks a sense that they can not survive on their own, without the liberals' help. Well, fuck that, amd fuck them.
There is a direct correlation between economic status and average life span. This means that blacks, who are disproportionately poor (with the liberals' help), tend to have shorter life spans, especially black males. The average life expectancy of a black male is roughly 68.6. The retirement age of Social Security is set under current law to eventually rise to 67. You do the math, it's a total shaft. Fucking liberals. The term for that is preditory lending.
Finally, using black culture to separate themselves from whites is not benefiting. Call it having pride in your race or culture, but I don't see how that will break down remaining barriers. It only enforces them. It sort of seems like a gesture of resentment toward whites. Racism is in its decline, and all this in-your-face black culture (bling, big pimpin', etc) for the most part comes across to whites as keeping the culture gap as wide as possible.

Poor and Oppressed

Despite the diamond earings, this man has been kept down by the white man

Allen Iverson has not had any opportunities as a minority.

I guess the question I have is, what are these guys trying to prove? I mean, at one point in time just about all blacks in America were slaves, all poor and downtrodden. Now, you generally STILL have most blacks being below the poverty line. But you have like the 2% of blacks who really grabbed life by the testicles and now they go around dressed in $200,000 rabbit costumes drinking Krystal for breakfast, flying around in helicopters with 20 inch rims. It's hard to take them seriously. We get it, you aren't slaves. You're rich. What I don't get is if there is a deeper message. With that, I'll leave you with the link to the site that really made me laugh my ass off. PIMP CUPS, SILLY FUR COATS, AND TOUGH-GUY EXPRESSIONS, LOL
click HERE for some examples of reverse racism

Monday, January 17, 2005

Adam 1, Stupid Liberal 0

I had to post this, it was a comment by a liberal reader regarding "Parenting, FUCK YEAH!", and the subsequent rebuttal by Adam.

At 2:34 PM, t-bone said...
Interesting take on things here. I have a critique and a question:

I feel like talking about this since I am definitely the master of seeing parenting at its finest, and at its worst.When making a statement like this, please establish for us, the readers, what exactly gives you the "master" status. It could possibly go a long way towards driving your subsequent points home.

My questions regard your meanings behind the following statements:
Fortunately we can learn 2 valuable lessons from this. One is, if you’re a 12 year old kid, don’t do stupid shit we‘ll fuck you up.Is the "we" that's learning the valuable lessons the 12 year old kid, or the "we" that'll be doing the fucking up of the 12 year old kid? I wonder only beacuse you are apparently passionate about this subject, as its writer, and I know you probably want your point to get across to me, the reader.

and... . Second, keep your 12 year olds away from me cause I wouldn’t want you to have to kill them later.Do I have to ask? It sounds like I may have to kill my theoretical 12 year old because you are going to fuck him and/or her. Please don't fuck my kids, Mr. Mailman, sir. Or any other children for that matter. They do bad things to child molesters in jail, and we need all the truth-speaking people like yourself out on the streets as we can get.

your friend in christ,

At 8:32 PM, Adam said...
Well T-bone, I appreciate the time you took to add some comments. This blog has not been up that long and we don’t know much about computers and blogs and shit so please bare with us for the next few weeks. I never really got around to filling out a profile, but you’re right, having something like that might help. We put an option to post comments about the blog, but the draw back is I don’t really give a shit what you have to say, or at least catering to your needs, “as you, the reader“. I’ll probably never fill out a profile. Needless to say, I’m a parent and I’d f my kid up if he did something like that at 12, and I’d fuck your kid up for you if they were involved as well. And the joke is, keep your 12 year olds away from me so I wont fuck them. But now id like to fuck you. Seriously, There nothing that turns me on more than liberals that don’t understand jokes, or think the best type of humor is rhetorical questions. You dildo. You’re the type of dude id smash a beer bottle over his head while you attempt to confuse me with claptrap bumper sticker slogans, or try and find out why I’m stabbing you with glass without retaliating. And if you're a girl, then that wouldnt happen, but you should stop talking. Theres nothing that turns guys off more than a chick who thinks shes smart. I’m also glad to see you’re a religious person as well. Unfortunately, my god, Zeus, thinks you’re a fag. Being a republican gives me the option to worship whoever I want, and I don’t blame reasons for political ideas or sides on religious agenda and confuse that with common fucking sense. Republicans might be more violent, but at least we know the repercussions of our actions, where liberals think theyre invincible. Thank you for the post. I hope to hear form you soon, and keep that constructive criticism coming!

That had to hurt.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Attn: War Protesters

Re: Lick My Bag

Fucking war protesters. The weakest of the weak. Let's all take a moment to shit on them and their deep and profound demonstrations. Take a deep breath, liberal activist peaceniks- this may be slow and painful. Remember to shift your weight so you don't lose circulation.
For starters, you liberals don't know anymore about war than you know about how to braze steak tips. More times than not, if someone runs up to debate a war protest group, you people gang up and shout slogans and and anti-Bush euphamisms. You rant a bunch of garbage that you saw on Farenheit 9/11. Your entire arguments are based on heresay, conjecture, and rumormongering. I've seen you people in action; you guys look like homeless lunitics. I will say that my city had a lone protester that stood out front of the library for like three months straight holding up a piece sign. I drove by and beaned him with trash from my truck atleast a dozen times over that period. I wasn't being malicious, I was just encouraging him to do something constructive with his time. Maybe even go in to the library.
More discussion on the fact that war protesters are total jerkoffs:
The overwhelming majority of people protesting Iraqi freedom consists of impressionable youths. I would generalize them as 15-25. In other words, America's inexperienced are trying to get your attention because they know everything. These are the same pack of tards that supported Kerry because they think we need to be "respected in the world." Well guess what. America doesn't need to be governed by the views of foreigners.
"But Jesse, aren't you forgetting that there were no WMDs, which was Bush's whole premise on invading Iraq?" YOU FUCKING DILDO. If you had a trashbag full of crank that you had just cooked up in your basement, would you hide it on your property? Chances are you would bury it in your grandmother's backyard before inspectors/cops came by. But here's a hint: The weapons are buried in Syria.
Finally, do you think that all this criticism for every move that the troops make reminds them how much we appreciate them? I mean, they wake up and go to work and hope nobody drives up next to them and blows them up. You wake up and don't go to work, instead going downtown to meet a bunch of hippies and drink coffee, make noise, and hold signs with misspelled words. You people are embarassing, you fuck up the otherwise nice cityscape, you slow up traffic for those that are afraid to run you over, and you cannot debate.
The most common arguments from war protesters:
Q:"Wouldn't you rather have peace than war?" A:Would you rather have more terror attacks? You ungrateful little bitch.
Q:"This is a war for oil!" A:No it's not, Alaska has all the oil reserves we need.
Q:"Haven't we lost enough troops?" A: With war brings casualties. The couple of thousand US troops that have been killed is a fraction of the 25,000 dead in the Revelutionary War. Or the nearly 1,000,000 in the Civil War. Or the 400,000 in WWII. So far, this war is turning out to be one of America's best tactically fought wars in its history. What we need is more protester casualties, or atleast more woundings.
It's a good thing you have the 1st Amendment protecting your total assholery, but I am still going to throw Snapple bottles and full hot coffees out my window at you people. Support the troops.


You have the right to remain silent. You want to meet Mr. Stick?

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


So I was in my basement all morning working in the Analogy Lab that I have set up. After two weeks of laborious experiments and tests, I have finally done it! I HAVE PROVEN MY HYPOTHESIS THAT BEING A LIBERAL AND HAVING A HAMMERHEAD SHAPED PENIS ARE THE SAME THING. And I only set my lab coat on fire twice. I submit for you the 'Hammerhead weiner theory'.
Both Liberals and Weiners Shaped Like Hammers Possess the Following Qualities.
1. Both can exist, but neither really can seem to function as they are intended.
2. No two liberals are even remotely similar, and grotesquly deformed genitals are the same way.
3. Liberals are generally pissed off because they don't have any direction. Hammershaped penises piss off in any direction.
4. Liberals always claim they don't get a fair shake in life, Hammerhead penises are nearly impossible to shake fairly.


Withdrawls from fuckin' Liberalism.

The setting is a basement of a church somewhere in Anytown, USA. A few people sit in a circle, one person is making coffee. The mood is somber.

Group leader: Everyone, welcome this evening to 'L.A.' and thank you and your higher powers for coming. To start, I want to point out we have a new person with us tonight. Would you like to introduce yourself?

New Guy: Hi, everyone. My name is John, and I'm a liberal.

Group: Hi, John.

Group leader: John, would you like to say anything to the group about yourself?

New Guy: I started dabbling with liberalism about a year ago. First a friend made me watch some CBS news. Then soon enough, I was getting involved in war protests and stuff. Finally about a week ago I hit rock bottom and married my friend Stan. I'm so ashamed.

Group leader: I'm so sorry to hear that, John. (gets up and hugs the new guy) I'm glad you are here taking your first step toward recovery. We are here because we recognize that we have an uncurable desease, but we are seeking treatment.

A college-aged male with an Abercrombie shirt raises his hand.

Twentysomething liberal: Hi, I'm Don, and I'm a liberal.

Group: Hi Don.

Twentysomething liberal: I've been seriously depressed lately. I mean seriously fucking depresssed. Wait, can I say fucking?

Group leader: Yes you may, Don. Recovery from liberalism means you are now free from censorship. Proceed.

Twentysomething liberal: Thanks. I've been so... blah lately. I've been craving foodstamps all day. I should be over it by now, I've been liberal free for almost three days now.

Group leader: The cravings for welfare will subside in time, Don. Try taking your mind off of the welfare by perhaps getting a job. You will be suprised how rewarding that can be.

Older gentleman in flip flops raises his hand.

Old guy: Hi. I'm a bit nervous, so bear with me. I'm Mark, and I'm a raging liberal.

Group: Welcome Mark.

Old guy: I've been liberal free for two years and five days.

Group leader: Congratulations to you and your higher power.

Old guy: Thank you. It hasn't been easy. Just yesterday I was at a neighbor's watching Fox News with him and in the corner of his house I saw that he had a gun cabinet with a rifle in it. I felt that urge coming on, you know, to tell him that he should not have that. But I held strong and allowed him to have personal rights. It's just so hard sometimes.

Group leader: Mark, I'm glad you were able to avoid liberalism. It's time to conclude now, and I want to remind everyone that if you feel these liberal urges creeping up, Don't hesitate to pick up the phone and call your sponsor. And remember how the evil desease of liberalism has ruined your lives and affected your loved ones.

Monday, January 10, 2005


Look at this. I want a Liberal to explain/make and excuse for this.

Democrats stupid
(144 000 results)
Republicans stupid
(122 000 results)

Democrats idiots
( 30 600 results)
Republicans idiots
( 26 200 results)

Democrats retards
(6 140 results)
Republicans retards
(1 540 results)

Democrats cowards
(9 700 results)
Republicans cowards
(7 860 results)

Bush MUST have rigged the search engine.

Sunday, January 09, 2005



I say the following with the goal of fostering liberty and with the promotion of freedom, regardless of if those in opposition perish by getting in my way.

Liberalism is the manifestation of fallistic thinking and the mental breakdown when displaying judgment. It is not up for debate whether Liberalism is a form of evil or simply an impairment of one’s mental faculty. I know it is the former. If the following seems rather abrasive or demeaning to Liberals in general, well, I don’t apologize because I wish them harm. I aim this verbal .50 calliber at you, common Liberal.

I will make this as simple as I can for you subhuman Liberals to make sense of why you should be put to death or at least physically punished. Liberals are the dregs of society because they seek to ruin society as the constitutional framers had set it up. The framers created a masterpiece in which civilians could seek all the liberty that they could handle. They created a government like no other; they took great pains to separate powers of branches so that no part of government could grow too large and tyrannize the people. They wanted the people’s freedom to be the priority. This freedom is a liberal’s arch enemy. Bit by bit, tax by tax, law by law, Liberals try to take your freedoms away. Liberalism in itself is WRONG. Don’t believe me? Fucking take a look at this then, hippy.

Let’s take some fundamental Liberal ideals and analyze how twisted and destructive they are. Name one. Welfare? Gay marriage? Taxation? Abortion?Large government? They are all outfuckingstanding ideas. How about welfare? How dare a liberal take money from me that I worked for, and decide how much and when to give it to someone I have not even met. That is stealing from me, and stealing is WRONG. Who are you to decide what is best for my paycheck? And who receives my monies? Someone who either doesn’t work or doesn’t work enough to be self sufficient. I don’t care that you have three kids and cannot find affordable daycare. I don’t owe you any of my money. You shouldn’t have had three kids, or you should have made better choices when finding someone to have kids with. Are you working 40 hours and barely making enough to survive? Need some of my paycheck for foodstamps? Fuck you, get a second job. Being a lazy douchebag is WRONG. Don’t punish me just because I work harder than you.

Gay marriage. Liberals are such fucking maggots. Marriage already has had a consistent definition for several millennia, you self-centered deviants. You are going to reinvent the wheel to your immoral liking? Look, gay people can’t even procreate a family. Do you need any other physical proof that this issue is a non-issue? If my state of Maine allows gays to marry in the future, I will shoot myself in the fucking face. Gay marriage is WRONG. Taxation? Again, that’s my money you greedy liberal thieves. Cut back on spending money on non essentials, like welfare and 4th grade sex education programs, you bitches. Rush once said that ‘no nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity’. He’s right, and again it shows that Liberals are WRONG and/or piles of shit.

Abortion. What a convenient form of birth control. Using abortion instead of abstinence or protection is WRONG.

The larger the government, the smaller your personal freedom. It doesn’t takea genius to understand this. Not having freedom is WRONG.

Finally I’d like to mention that Liberals thrive on bitching. Take NAACP. These fucking douches need racial tensions to exist! Think of it! They make their revenue on the very problems that they are supposed to be fixing. I’ve said it before, the NAACP is like some gigantic ogre that nourishes itself by eating its own piss and shit. Being hypocritical is WRONG.

In conclusion, Liberals are self-serving whiners that have no souls, and they are WRONG.



I only wish I had enough dexterity to type 600 pages worth of shit on everything liberals do. Unfortunately I am either too lazy, or the fact I don‘t get paid for typing essays doesn’t quite give me the motivation to do so. This isn‘t intended on shitting on them for the lack of coming up with a democratic candidate that isn’t plagued with thoughts of conspiracy theories, irrational face-boiling rants, or fuck…a vibrancy tank that’s constantly on E. No, this isn’t meant to shit on them for having the unsurpassed skill of confusing 20/20 hindsight as intellect. I realized not too long ago that liberalism…or the new term “progressives” make up a party of absolute chaos. And we don’t give a fuck. Why don’t we care? More importantly, should we? Let us discuss together.
I would like to first explain as to why they represent a party of chaos. Lets take 15 to 20 stereotypical subjects that fall under the umbrella of liberalism and put them in one room. These people would be representatives of issues such as pro-death, labor unions, redistribution of wealth, affirmative action, gay marriage… so on and so forth. Now if you take these people and told them to come up with one common ground, you could probably leave them in there for 3 hours and the best thing they could come up with is they don’t like republicans. Gays might not like abortions, or union guys might think the war rocks…there is no general concept, or even a goal they share. Its like rolling a snowball in winter and picking up shit along the way like sticks and leaves and rocks, but being in the comfort of your party of shit knowing you’re going to become a snowman. I am not denying the fact that some conservative take part in things like unions, or have approval of a few things that’s embodied in the misshapen mongoloid faction. The fact is all republicans, minus John McCain know the task that needs to be done, and we vote, knowing what issues take priority and what our candidate is going to do.
The only reason we care about liberalism is because it gets in the way. Being the masters of shifting responsibility and calling faults, Progressives do just the opposite of what their name suggests. Conservatives rarely if ever go to liberal websites to “see what the opposition is thinking”, if not just to get a good laugh. If you observe the ratio of lib responses to our opinions versus conservative rebuttles to fag ideas, it seems that libs have their tits twisted way more often, like we personally crapped in all their cereal for several consecutive days prior to the post. Its like they are a gluttons for punishment, as if they forgot that it hurt the first time they put their nut sacks in the mouse trap.
We don’t care for the most part because we already know what our non-chaotic agenda is. We have control over all 3 branches and you’re not included. Fucking get over it. You guys just exist, and we’ll take care of the rest. And you can do anything and everything you want to do! Bush is not going to go to your house, shine a light through your bedroom window, and tell you to remove your wiener out of someone else’s butt. You don’t need to worry. Abortion is not gonna become illegal, but you might have to check with your parents first now. And be thankful that if you’re quiet enough, you can grow weed in your place, and you wont have to worry about a grenade rolling underneath the foundation. Just understand that you can do and think whatever you want, and if you just fucking shut up about it in the first place, your problems will most likely go away.

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